
M102 - Chicken Coop Plans - How to Build A Chicken Coop

M102 - Chicken Coop Plans - How to Build A Chicken Coop
The picture below is the Concept Plans. Detailed Plans for construction is being done. If you like these plans, please comment, I will make detailed plans immediately. If you wish to modify the plan better fits your desire, please comment. I'll modify it for you. Please say me what you want about these plans, I will respond quickly for your wishes. During this time, Concept Plans and Detailed Plan for construction is FREE for you. You can download them easily. Have a nice day! Wish you all the best!

- Overall: 90" (front) x 205" (left) x 102" (height)
- Cage (indoor): 3600 (inches2)
- Yard (outdoor): 10800 (inches2)
- Nest box: 3 (box)
- Timber: 4"x4"; 2"x4"; 2"x2"; 0.5"x4"; sheet thickness 0.5" - 0.75"
- Units: Inches - Millimeter (decimal fomat)
(Newly Upgraded Version)
I'm upgrading the entire plan, and I always do so, I am reducing the volume of wood in construction and still achieve what we want, to save money, build faster, easier,
I am presenting a plan for a better way with less drawing, to save money on printing and viewing time, download time,
I am following the suggestions and feedback from all of you,
Thank you very much for the feedback. They are great! :)
Thank you very much!
Let keep track my work to get alot of Free and Useful Plans
M102 - Chicken Coop Plans Construction
How To Build A Chicken Coop


  1. like to make one just like it

    1. The Detailed Plans For Construction has been completed

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. haw to get plans for this one please

  3. Dear aida_84! Thank you liked this design. I am very happy for that. At this time, I have not done the detailed design yet. When you like it, I will do the detailed design in the next time. Let's wait and follow me. When I finished the detailed design, I will tell you and I will send you a link to download it. You'll download it free and easy. Have a great day aida_84!
    Can you tell me when you need this detailed plans?

  4. I would like to have one made for me and this design
    seems quite nice for me and the chickens.

    1. The Detailed Plans For Construction has been completed

  5. Ok! I will do the detailed design for construction for this design. When finished, I will tell you. Thanks for the nice comments from you. Keep track of my work! Have a Great day! :)

  6. @ All: The Detailed Plans For Construction has been completed

  7. Do you have this complete detailed plan available? I am ready to purchase one. Lori Hayes

    1. Thank you for your comment Lori!
      "M102 - Chicken Coop Plans Construction" is available.
      You see and purchase it at:

  8. Thank you for your comment Lori!
    "M102 - Chicken Coop Plans Construction" is available.
    You see and purchase it at:

  9. Thank you for the plans. This is exactly the kind of chicken coop I was looking for. I look forward to building it!

  10. Love it! how can I get a copy of the detailed plans?

    1. Hi Jerry! You can see and get the Detailed Plans for Construction at:

  11. After hours of searching through plans online and in books, this is the best we have seen. We cannot wait to build this coop.

  12. This is just about perfect. I would switch the window with the access door but that's just because I have a tree on one side but otherwise this is just lovely. Best layout I've seen on internet. So very smart, thank you.

  13. علاج رائحة الفم الكريهة الصادرة من المعدة بالاعشاب. كيف أعرف أن رائحة الفم من المعدة؟ قد يكون التنفس النتن محرجًا…
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    علاج الحساسية من العطر. سنقدم لكم علاج الحساسية من العطر فتابعونا. إذا كنت تعاني من ردود فعل جسدية أثناء استخدام…
    مجموعة تعطير الفم للمتزوجات. هل تعاني من رائحة الفم الكريهة؟ هل تعانين من وجع اسنان؟ يمكن أن يؤدي القيام بذلك…
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  14. I would like to make this. How do I get the plans?
