
CF _ Chicken Feeder Plans Construction - How To Build A Chicken Feeder
CF100 - Automatic Chicken Plans
Oversize: 1'-7 1/8" x 2'-2 3/8" x 1'-9 13/16" (height)
Total volume of lumber: 3913 inches3 (= 2 4/16 feet3)
Plywood: 1707 in2 (= 12 ft2)
CF110 - Automatic Chicken Plans
Oversize: 1'-2 5/8" x 2'-3 3/8" x 1'-6 13/16" (height)
Total volume of lumber: 3621 inches3 (= 2 2/16 feet3)
Plywood: 1237 in2 (= 8 9/16 ft2)


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